Feed My Starving Children helps to achieve a child’s daily nutritional needs based on their age. This program continue it’s goal of reaching out the malnourished children in Alabang and Sucat area. Last February the program was extended to our church partner in Cam-Cam, Laguna reaching out children in need. As the ministry continues, God opened another door for us to help and extend the program through church partnership. July 23, 2011 the I.T Tender Ministry team take the rocky roads to the province of Tiaong, Quezon and there we conducted series of trainings for the church leaders about the feeding program. The trainings includes the importance of reporting and monitoring of children’s nourishment (Height and Weight) that will help a lot in their new step in holistic approach to a child. Most of the children they are reaching out are from far away areas in their province which took almost an hour in walking just to reach the children who are in needs. Church members share their testimonies of how they thank the Lord bringing people to be united in the ministry of the God.
In the morning of Sunday we attended their Sunday worship service where Ptr. John Basiwa was invited to be the speaker and also formalized the partnership of the church and the I.T Tender Ministry. The church pastor and their elders presented the team and seal it in prayer. In the afternoon, Ptr. John conducted Leadership Training to the Leaders of the church.
We are looking forward for great things that God can do to the ministry and how it will be extended to bless people not only in metro manila but also in the provinces where help are most needed.
“ And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light in the darkness, and your night will became like the noonday.” - Isaiah 59:10
As part of the Sponsor A Child Now program of it’s holistic approach to children. We invited all sponsored children and their parents for a monthly General Assembly. The General Assembly aims to build relationship to parents and to their child.
Last July 30, 2011 Friday. All beneficiaries from Sucat and Alabang area came to the center for the general assembly for the Month of July, Parents and their child was divided into four groups and each has a leader to lead them in the activities. Games and fun activities that aims to build relationship with one another. It’s good to see them enjoying and having fun with their children and others from the community. Also there are children who celebrated their birthdays in the Month of July. We prepared cake and gifts for the celebrant. They are happy and thankful to the Lord through the “ Sponsor a Child ” program, We thank the Lord from all who support and work with us through this ministry. God put us in this ministry , believing in one child’s dream, to see God’s hand to a nation’s success.
Accreditation and Equivalency Test Registration
For this year 2011, another batch of learners are again registered for the upcoming Alternative Learning System Accreditation and Equivalency Examination this October. Learners are asked to pass their Birth Certificates and their picture for requirements or 2010 A & E result for those who failed and want to take the examination for this year. As of now we have ten registered learners for the A & E examination.
Learners are excited for the exam .they are eager in their every lesson and we continue to encourage them and see more of what they can do, stepping in their faith for God’s promise of good future.
1. Fund for our 6 months feeding program, vitamins, hygiene kit for Tiaong, Quezon P30,000 ( $ 714 USD )
2. Fund for Food For Life Feeding, hygiene kit and vitamins P 25,000 ( $ 595 USD )
3. Fund for existing program ALS P 15,000 ( $ 357 USD, Night Life P 15,000
4. Allowance of Workers ( July—Dec ) P 96,000 ( $ 2285 USD )
5. Two ( 2 ) Laptop Computer for report , documentation and monitoring P 35,000 ( $ 853 USD )
6. Monthly Salary for Registered Social Worker P 15,000 ( $ 366 USD )
Food For Life
“Nutrition Seminar”
August 1
Action Evangelistic Camp
August 3—5, 2011
Sponsor a Child Now
“General Assembly”
August 27