Friday, May 11, 2012


     IT Tender Ministry, a ministry of International Teams Philippines is now on the 12 year of God’s faithfulness by his grace. We exist to help the street children to become self reliant and to find their values in Jesus Christ and living lives of hope and responsibility. We are aiming to support children in the community sending in formal and informal school and we are praying to put up an orphanage for those children living in the street to give them temporary shelter and later on reconciled to their family. By this, we believe in transforming their lives through holistic approach by God’s grace.

              IT Tender Ministry is doing 3 things.  These are the following;

 A).SPONSOR A CHILD NOW! under this program we have three services;

1).Hakbang Program ( Footstep), this program help the child send in formal school it takes only $20 usd a month we can help the child renew his dreams and continue his school.

2). ALS or Alternative Learning System this program refer to out of school youth ages 12 above aiming to finished his study up to secondary level it is easily access for those youth who wants to take an Accreditation and Equivalency Test this was in partnership with our Government in the Department of Education.

3). Day Care Center, this program is catering ages 4-7 years that zero education or never been in school, the services help the child develop in academic and Godly character and aiming also to help the family in giving some training in livelihood, Reality life teaching and teaching about the word of God.

B). NIGHT LIFE MINISTRY, the program reaching out the street children and giving them basic needs like hygiene , food, vitamins, and medical.  We believe by this approach we can make the child satisfy his needs and make him one of our targets to counsel and giving hope and a right perspective in life.

C). PARTNERSHIP, this program provide the feeding pack in partnership also with the other network from Minnesota usa we call it “Feed My Starving Children” the porridge that we are offer to our church partner has 20 vitamins and minerals.  This may serve only for those children ages 4-12 suffer in malnutrition.  The objective of this program is to evangelize not only to the children in need but also to their parents because the program offers variety of teaching specifically for the Lord.  The Partnership ministry needs the following:

1)   Medical fund
2)   Vehicle or service or Transportation allowance
3)   Variety of food for porridge



Family day! For Sponsorship program

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